
Friday, September 21, 2012

Vegan Carrot Soup

The fact that this is vegan is a complete accident. 

I was out of chicken stock. And out of cream. 

Thus the subbing of veggie broth and coconut milk - and voila! Vegan. 
 (Don't tell Mr. S - he might demand a re-dinner)

But vegan is totally ok, right? 

I know at least one friend who will be excited to read this recipe - Hi Casey!

And it's a nice simple recipe that can be thrown together in an afternoon. 

Peel carrots & potatoes, then chop them up along with an onion and a bulb of fennel. 

Toss in a big pot and fry/cook until everything's soft (about 5-7 minutes).

Add in the veggie stock and blitz until smooth. If you don't have a stick blender, I suppose you can use a regular one. If your local kitchen store is closed and you can't go buy the other kind.

Stir in the coconut milk. 

Add in salt & pepper to your taste. That means you get to taste it. Yay!

Serve with a bit of black olive oil. 


Vegan Carrot Soup
Adapted from Sweet Paul

2-3 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion
5 carrots, peeled
1 fennel bulb
1 large brown potato, peeled
4 c. veggie broth
1 can coconut milk
Salt & pepper to taste

Chop the onion, carrots, fennel, and potato into smallish pieces. Combine with the oil in a large pot. Cook over medium high heat, until soft and fried up. Add in the broth (if you're not vegan, you can use chicken). Blitz, using a stick blender or an actual blender. Stir in coconut milk. Salt and pepper to taste.

Optional: Black Olive Oil
black olives (6-7) blended with a few tbsp of olive oil.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I got a shout-out!!! Yay! So honored :) AND the soup looks delicious!
